DEAR readers: Assuming that you exist, you’re probably such a vanishing tribe, given the fugitive nature of this column. Let me use a cliché—that even while I was away, I was always thinking of you. Don’t laugh.
For instance, a few weeks ago, I was in some kind of toy train circumnavigating Disneyland Hong Kong. With all my pretensions at being cool, it was rather unsettling. In that kitschy ride, I began to think how erstwhile Maoist China, on the eve of the HK turnover years ago, could’ve dealt with what is probably the shining symbol of Western capitalism—reduced into the face of one cute mouse.
The first turn skirted a jungle, and in the thickets were pocket clearings that revealed elephants, zebras, and giraffes made of concrete. Some crude robotics made their heads sway and their ears stand. Tucked in the leafage were speakers secretly blaring the jungle’s ambient sound.
I felt both fear and sadness. The first one because, given the rate mankind is blotting out everything that breathes, zebras will be zeroes. The second is a result of the first. Right that moment I swore I’d write my two-cents worth and email it to Op Ed Bong Wenceslao immediately. That did not happen.
The following day, I took a walk to a news stand and bought an English-language newspaper for HK $6. The other papers were in Chinese, but I’m an heir to a lost ancestry. My Chinese is limited to counting one to ten.
One news item caught my attention, and it went by the headline: “First government-backed gay bar opens in mainland China.” No joke. And this was at the height of the Comelec rejection of party-list applicant Ang Ladlad back home, a country that takes pride in being a dogged disciple of American “democracy.”
For one moment, I wanted to roll the paper, take the next flight home and thump the heads of all proclaimed morality messiahs in our midst. I remember one national artist advising a gay writer to move on and write other things because there is a multitude of them that are larger than themes of gayness. The young writer said he wrote large because gay rights are a social justice issue.
Mainland China is funding the gay bar as a means to fight Aids.
Right that moment, I wanted to write, but failed.
I failed, but I did not notice, too, that the afternoon passed and I was well into the “wonderful world of Disney.” I simply forgot at some point that I was right in the navel of kitsch.
Some 3D orchestra banged its finale and sent Donald Duck in a trajectory and crashing into the wall. When the lights were on, we burst in laughter and awe to see him stuck with his limbs sticking out. Humbug, that’s what slapstick is, but the crazy duck’s act quite strangely had me.
Ah, so finally, I could write something down this Christmas.
I’ve been a wee bit flat myself being at odds with most things about the season. Except for one, and I noticed that despite the season’s surfeit, there is something to be said about giving, not only as a sort of spirit, but as a concrete, collective expression. Without this, we seem to be short of chances the entire year.
In a scale you could not ignore, Christmas seems to re-appropriate kindness and love into a social rite. If you lost the child in you, you have at least that sense of community to count yourself in. But I bet you will still find yourself snickering to see that crazy duck stuck on the wall. To rest, said one writer, is to suspend all your judgments of the world.
Indeed, the season does what Exupery did in his book—which is to constantly remind us that we were all children once. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Published in the Sun.Star Cebu newspaper on December 29, 2009.